The True North Difference

Experience the True North Difference- 1 on 1 care uniting cutting edge research related to how pain works, hands on techniques including trigger point dry needling, and individualized exercise prescription. Learn why old beliefs may be holding you back or why past treatments failed.  You choose the destination and set the pace. Stop managing the pain and start treating it.

True North Physical Therapy functions as a direct access physical therapy practice. Direct access allows patients to schedule an evaluation without an order or referral from another healthcare provider. Early access to physical therapy saves you both time and money. Patients who seek physical therapy first save over 30% in physical therapy costs, require fewer physical therapy treatment sessions and days in care, and lower total healthcare costs (Denninger et al, 2018).

So, come as you are. Bring your story and all you have gone through related to your pain. I will meet you where you are at and celebrate the start of your journey to greater health. You choose the destination; I provide the road map and the tools to get there. There are no expectations, time frame, or “number of PT visits allowed.” You are in charge. It is your journey, so you set the pace. I walk alongside you and carry the knowledge and treatments needed to both prepare and sustain you on your journey.

True North Physical Therapy is a direct pay physical therapy practice built on trust and respect. The door is open for all individuals to seek care, regardless of insurance carrier, being under-insured, un-insured, in or out of network. With direct pay, your focus shifts from questions about insurance coverage to “Whom can I trust to deliver the best care?” The right treatment at the right time makes a difference (Fritz et al, 2012). With direct pay, payment is due upon receipt of services and your health insurance will not be directly billed.  Direct pay allows the cost of physical therapy to be more reasonable than traditional healthcare clinics.

Health starts where we live, learn, work, and play; within our families, neighborhoods, and communities (Magnusson et al, 2019).  To express my gratitude and to honor your decision to invest in your own health, 3% of your total payment will be donated to The Beacon.  It is my sincere hope that True North Physical Therapy not only positively impacts your life and therefore those closest to you, but also lifts up the community we all share and love.

With gratitude,
Dr. Jen