Physical Therapy Checkup

Wellness Services

Physical Therapy Checkup:

Taking care of yourself is a gift to yourself and those you care for most.

Most of us see our primary care physician and our dentist annually for preventative care. When it comes to our bodies, we often wait until something hurts or we can’t do what we love. Physical therapists have the education and expertise to complete a health screening or physical therapy checkup to assess how our bones, joints, muscles and connective tissue help us move and do what we love.

A typical checkup defines your health and fitness goals, thoroughly reviews your medical history & asks you to move to evaluate your strength, endurance, balance, flexibility, and nervous system from head to toe. It may be a good time to schedule a physical therapy checkup to learn how to prevent pain & chronic conditions such as high blood pressure & diabetes from negatively impacting your quality of life. Whether your goal is to improve your overall health, play with your grandchildren, or run a marathon, I will meet you where you are at and develop a plan to keep you moving and enjoying life. Choose to be well today, you are worth it!