For Patients
Quicker Access To The Care You Need

Traditionally, primary care physicians served as gatekeepers in the healthcare system, determining a patient’s needs and writing an order or referral for physical therapy. But now, all 50 states have some form of direct access to physical therapy. This means patients are able to schedule an evaluation at True North Physical Therapy directly with Dr. Jen without an order or referral.
Multiple studies concluded that physical therapists are highly knowledgeable in managing musculoskeletal concerns, and provide safe, cost-effective care for patients in a direct access practice setting (Childs et al, 2005).

In fact, emerging literature suggests that patients seen via direct access to physical therapy require fewer physical therapy treatment sessions and days in care, lower physical therapy costs, and lower total health care costs (Denninger et al, 2018). Choose physical therapy- you are worth it.